The Game I Hate

I Know I Know This Stuff Is All Fake But No This Stuff Is Real And Happen To Me And A Friend. It Was In 2010 When We Were A Some Car Boot Sales And We Saw A Game That Looked Crap Yet Amazing It Was Ghostbusters (1984) On The NES And We Bought It For Just 25p. When We GotTo My House We Put The Game In But Yet The Game (When We Played It) Looked Darker Then A Normal Ghostbusters Game. The Title Screen Looked Like It Was Coved In Blood And When We Played It, It Got Scary. Instead Of A Little Ghost Roaming Around A City Playing Tag With Other Ghosts We Saw A Little Video About How All The Ghosts In The Movie (And Game) Died. There Was A Killer Who Murderd Around 487 Children, Men And Women, It Was Horrifing. There Was Blood, Gore And Profanity And Not Just Like Danm And Crap I Mean Shit, Fuck And Asshole, All Of That Crap Then The Game Started!
From What I Understood The Goal Was To Get Revenge On The Killer From The Afterlife And I Know It Was Dark But Some How We Enjoyed It. The Story Was Good, The Music Was Rocking And The Goal Was Kind Of Sweet, But Then Things Took A Turn For The Worst. When We Got To The Final Boss It Spoke To Use. It Said "Hello Harry And William, I Was Hopeing You Could Join Me" We Where Freaked. Then He Made Us Hear Loud Screams So Loud One Of My Windows Broke. We Tried To Turn It Off But He Kept On Saying "Relax Its Just A Game" We Finaly Got The Game Out And Then The NES Destoryed Its Self And Then A Black Text Came Up On The Sreen Saying "It Will Return" And Then We Finaly Destroyed The Game For Good.
Its Been Five Months Since We Last Played It But Yesterday A Package Came At My Front Door And When I Tore It Open I Saw A Copy Of, Ghostbusters.